We were told the judge is a God fearing man and never takes any form of money from anyone he does what he knows is right by God and the law, he gives you the adequate punishment to your crimes of found guilty and prison he sentence people who are proven guilty beyond doubts by the court is a very deadly and hard prison. we waited for hours until it's was our turn to be heard and for the matter to be settled I was called forward and I explained everything that happen and the phone engineer and my brother also took their turns .The phone engineer was accused of three criminal charges and I had just one charges and that spot of my explanation that was when I realized the bad results of uncontrolled anger, if I had controlled my anger I would not have mistakenly broke his show glass and he would have not gotten the right to call the police on me and I would have been on my right to call the police and become the complaint because I was the one wronged but because of the ba...