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Dreams of a better world

        One of my biggest dreams is to become the best writer in the world both well its just a dream that might never come through well look at the brighter side there is nothing to loose for me trying .I chose not  to surrender and always keep a smile on my face  and I will keep this with me for years maybe till the day I die. well big dreams big ambitions for everyone out there in the world I never want to give in to fear, failure neither should anyone give in, well some day I know my story is going to change and also will yours ,so much pains, sorrow, deceit, betray, tears and death let's go back to the beginning so we can make things clearer and back to our roots ,we would know that we fell, we fight, we learn we have been like this for days and years ,one of us must have a last say but then someone told me, we have been like this for years ,and we don't know if that change will ever come, what all the great men died for, hope we accomplish those dreams some day, just not because life is short, tough and hard does not mean we have to give up in accomplishing our big dreams, great ambition, sometimes it just seems like there is no God but the fact and the hard truth is that there is God, but sometimes the kind of hardship ,pain, tears, death we go through make it feels like there is no God because  the good always die young and the bad seems to live long but look at the brighter side we are all born and design to die ,so it's not possible for us to meet or see everybody in this world, there is always a reason for every thing and some are for the wrong reasons ,every sunset many thoughts  of a way to make the world a better place where there is no killings, robbery, no oppression ,no evil, no slavery, rejection, no racism and no bad leaders. because  we have been like this for years I always wonder when all of this is going to stop too much  words for me to say but the truth is that it's been like this for years I was born and always thought the world was a good place and better place when I was a kid but now it's different it looks like the world turns worst everyday but some of those changes brought some good things that are beneficiary  to the world like electricity, cars we drive, well I would say technology  as a whole like it's been said in the bible he has given us the knowledge  of good and evil, freewill ,we give the devil so much credit for what ever happens in our life's, and in the world today but fail to realize and understand  we are given freewill and are also responsible for what happens with us and in the world ,negative mindset, fear, lies, bad leaders we are the cause of all of this, most deaths and the things that happen in our life's .lol sometimes when I look at everything  happening it makes me laugh so hard. fuck all this bad politicians ,leaders and all those men that had the opportunity  to rule us and broke us made us feel worthless but we never stay broken never could have believed  till my grandfather  told me all of this happening in the world has been happening for years, bad leaders, bad politicians ,deaths, racism all has been happening for years ,well then I realized we can't be perfect but we can also choose to be good and make amends  for the next steps we take from here on ,never forgetting we have been like this for years but trying to make a difference  for all the young ones coming up and ones yet unborn so they can't come to see the world like we did, with all the struggle, shame, humiliation, disgrace, bad leaders, a better world like I thought it was when I was born.


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