The difference between love and money is very simple but most people don’t seems to acknowledge it, as long as you keep your eyes on the action there is no way you are loosing in this life ,never let a woman close to your heart some say but no one is too young to find their way . money is easy to get and spend but the struggle is different because you have to struggle ,work your ass out to get that money some people do crazy shits for the money just to have something to put on the table and some do what they for survival but it’s a dangerous part ,life gives no shit about us the moment you flip ,get something wrong endanger your life for the struggle then you have to be dealing with death and let the best fighter win and there is always a 80 percent chance that death will win sometimes because of the hustle we forget about love and some would say I want to have money ,live comfortable with fancy and flashy cars before they can love so they don’t get to suffer or ...
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