We are all imperfect humans and so everyone on this earth has a weak point and an addiction,
But the ability to realize faster and deal or control your weakness or addiction makes you strong
And open the doors for grace, favor , blessings and I would say open abundance success in
Everything, I may not know who am talking to or reach out to with my writings but I know
That the people reading this ,nothing is too small or too big just have faith that your story in
Life would motivate people and change lives out there and also bring the best out of them and you
Would never be forgotten even when you are gone ,because even when you are gone you still
Keep on living in their hearts.
Dreams is what we have and no one can take that away from you so its up to you to make your dreams Come through or fail trying but just keep in mind that failure is never an option because if you Succeed in life the people who discouraged you would still come around to rejoice and celebrate your Success and if you let their discouragement get to you and you fail they would still be the ones to mock You and laugh at you for your failure in life so every risk in life is worth taking because life itself is all Risks since you were born growing up was a risk and also our moms took the risks of having us in their
Womb for nine months before giving birth so never be afraid of taking risks.
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