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Showing posts from October, 2019


   The difference between love and money is very simple but most people don’t seems to acknowledge it, as long as you keep your eyes on the action there is no way you are loosing in this life ,never let a woman close to your heart some say but no one is too young to find their way . money is easy to get and spend but the struggle is different because you have to struggle ,work your ass out to get that money some people do crazy shits for the money just to have something to put on the table and some do what they for survival but it’s a dangerous part ,life gives no shit about us the moment you flip ,get something wrong endanger your life for   the struggle then you have to be dealing with death and let the best fighter win and there is always a 80 percent chance that death will win sometimes because of the hustle we forget about love and some would say I want to have money ,live comfortable with fancy and flashy cars before they can love so they don’t get to suffer or   their partner

Dreams of a better world

        One of my biggest dreams is to become the best writer in the world both well its just a dream that might never come through well look at the brighter side there is nothing to loose for me trying .I chose not  to surrender and always keep a smile on my face  and I will keep this with me for years maybe till the day I die. well big dreams big ambitions for everyone out there in the world I never want to give in to fear, failure neither should anyone give in, well some day I know my story is going to change and also will yours ,so much pains, sorrow, deceit, betray, tears and death let's go back to the beginning so we can make things clearer and back to our roots ,we would know that we fell, we fight, we learn we have been like this for days and years ,one of us must have a last say but then someone told me, we have been like this for years ,and we don't know if that change will ever come, what all the great men died for, hope we accomplish those dreams some day, just not

spiritual knowledge

                                                     How long shall you carry that burden on your shoulder ,how long shall those tears keep running down your beautiful face we all have troubles now and again no matter how we try trouble will find us one way or the other ,put a smile on your face don’t let the troubles drop you down ,we give the devil so much credit for everything that happens in our lives but something the devil has no play in what happens or goes through in our lives sometimes ,its sometimes based on the wrong decisions we made and not being bold enough to take responsibility for them ,no human can hide from their   fears since they are part of us,   troubles always knows where to find us but   we should   always keep a smile on our faces and raise your head high and don’t let troubles get you down ,we blame the devil for every since thing that happens in our   life but we should check back to our root ,Eve ate the apple of the knowledge of good and evil s