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spiritual knowledge


How long shall you carry that burden on your shoulder ,how long shall those tears keep running down your beautiful face we all have troubles now and again no matter how we try trouble will find us one way or the other ,put a smile on your face don’t let the troubles drop you down ,we give the devil so much credit for everything that happens in our lives but something the devil has no play in what happens or goes through in our lives sometimes ,its sometimes based on the wrong decisions we made and not being bold enough to take responsibility for them ,no human can hide from their  fears since they are part of us,  troubles always knows where to find us but  we should  always keep a smile on our faces and raise your head high and don’t let troubles get you down ,we blame the devil for every since thing that happens in our  life but we should check back to our root ,Eve ate the apple of the knowledge of good and evil so human are naturally but with the in build capacity to do good or evil and that why it’s a choice we all have to make to do good or evil ,most of the time we human use our mouth to cause troubles for ourselves the bible did say a man’s words are very powerful and can be use to bless ,cause and destroy ,it did not say destroy the world but destroy ourselves no matter what we have been through and what we have seen the easiest way to live life is being ourselves  just the way the creator has created us we should never try to change our personality because of what we have been through its been said experience is the best teacher but experience is not meant to stop us from being ourselves but expand our knowledge on how we approach things when we are being faced with a challenge similar to what we have faced ,the biggest problem of the human is that we are the victims to each other well that is how many men in the world has turned the world into because they have the power to do what they want with the people they are lead but as individuals we can chose not to the affected by that and make decisions by that because we have the power not to be ruled by some cruel men in the world same as face are different so are destiny never feel you are never important because every human has their importance in life sometimes I smile when I begin to flash back on all I have been through and all hope lost but at this I have not accomplished what I want  in life so I still strive hard to get to my destination point and I advice everyone to push through and never give up
No love no love they say, we have been hearing this so many times don’t you think its time to be a little bit more,  responsible too many people die these days if you read the paper and you check down the  news the number are there every number represent a human being who was a father , who was a mother ,a son or  a daughter on this world .money exchanges pains some would say but in reality it’s a desperate formalities we can get paid well but its never worth my life
Please I advice everyone to make the better choice and decisions in their life because that would live on and even if you are a nobody you are still in a hero and helper to some people in their heart and your legacy lives on so we should all try to drop a legacy and do good ,choose good because good deeds says and influence so many people in the world even the cruel and worst people on earth want to receive a good deed because no matter how strong or power they think they are they can never do anything on their own and that’s is why God created the world with so many people living on earth and as some die some are being born with greater futures and destines .


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