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Showing posts from September, 2019


We are all imperfect humans and so everyone on this earth has a weak point and an addiction, But the ability to realize faster and deal or control your weakness or addiction makes you strong And open the doors for grace, favor , blessings and I would say open abundance success in Everything, I may not know who am talking to or reach out to with my writings but I know That the people reading this ,nothing is too small or too big just have faith that your story in Life would motivate people and change lives out there and also bring the best out of them and you Would never be forgotten even when you are gone ,because even when you are gone you still Keep on living in their hearts. Dreams is what we have and no one can take that away from you so its up to you to make your dreams Come through or fail trying but just keep in mind that failure is never an option because if you Succeed in life the people who discouraged you would still come around to rej


life is a full of a whole new garbage ,a whole new shit ,and that is why its a mystery and its always said to be unknown, but with every day that goes by, live it with joy, And that thing that makes you feel special and happy. somethings in life happens for a reason and so many never knew why things happen the way it happened but all of that makes you but never breaks you that is why in the flesh the heart is a very powerful tool , and also the mind too and when it comes to the spirit, the soul is a very powerful tool and so many people's soul and heart are bonded ,sometimes even before they meet or before they were are born and sometimes some people feel they found happiness but never found the true happiness because happiness is being acknowledged when you can be yourself ,feel great about yourself ,feel special about yourself and lastly when the people around you can love you for being yourself and acknowledging the fact you are special and very significant to the live


There are some who have reached the top and still fall back and some are striving to reach the top But has not gotten there yet , I want to tell you sometimes life feels complicated ,well as some would Say and hard but every human on earth has their own time to excel and shine for the world to see See what you have to offer so please stop comparing your one step to another’s persons 100 Because you would get there one day if you believe and work hard ,those people who are at the top Today and who are famous and wealthy all have their own story to tell so create your own story To tell. Life is a gradual process so make sure you but your best in anything you are doing , Because we all don’t know where our blessings will come from we just need to be focused With a strong determination and positive attitude .


Learn to embrace your self and applaud yourself because there is no one in the world like you because every humans characters are different and also are their opinions about life, and every one have their own ways of doings things ,and that is why the world is a big place today , with different ideas and different opinions .and that alone makes you special . never give up in anything you are doing in life because there are so many people counting on your efforts and your strength.


And that was when she flashed back to her old memories of being a prostitute ,random thoughts going through her mind, thinking that her past has come to hunt she and her daughter .then she realized that her husband has been a fraud star and she has been deceived by him and her pastor. But the truth is that, no!! her past is not coming back to her hunt her or her daughter its just a lesson in life for all humans to learn from before going into marriage with anyone, we should exercise patience to get to know the person first,their background , their social status , their weak points and lastly their characters and i advice all women in the world to be very cautious with their daughters and very observant because sexual abuse for children now is the topic of the day and look around the world today its very common for children to be sexually abused and this is because ,the society and the parents don't want to deal with issues like child abuse and prevent it from happening by als


there was sometimes she lamented and wishing she has not given birth to them and sometimes the thought of even killing her children came to her mind but people around her neighborhood always advice her not to ever take the life of her children because children are a blessing and some day they will represent her , and one day she took a bold step after a lot of thinking and with all the pain and sorrow she has been through, with her children growing up she did not want her children to know that their mother was a prostitute. she decided to give her life to Christ and then she started going to church and became a devoted Christian, with GOD using her to reach out to people to change lifes , she was blessed by GOD, she opened a business for herself and was doing well and taking care of her children but there was one thing she always wanted and missed and that was the love and affection of a man, someone she could call her husband, the pastor of the church she was attending fixed a marr


she would be forced to use all her money to buy drugs and take care of herself pending the next time she would be called by a man and sometimes she and her child would have to go hungry for some days till she is being called by a man I know some of the people reading this story would be wondering and asking themselves where are her parents and what did they do to help her, but her parents were poor and also trying to survive and could not add another problem to their bucket list so she was on her own on all the things she did to survive so she continued with her prostitution and one day she got lucky and a man who went out with for a one night stand liked her so much and then he married her and after a long time of sorrow and pain she could now have a little bit of happiness but trust me it was not for long, after marrying the second man in her life she gave birth to two children for him, and her first child she got from her previous marriage was a girl and by that time her first chi


This is based on a true life story This is a story of a girl who was sent into the world at her early age and was made to face the full wrath of cruelty in life . At the age of 14 she was pushed into a marriage she never bargain for and never wanted but with the pressure of her parents she was forced to agree to the terms of getting married at her early age and so the marriage ceremony was conducted and so she was married at the age of 14 she gave birth to her first child and at the age of 16 she gave birth to her second child everything seems to be going well for her until the day she lost one of her child and that was the very start of the problems in her life. the man she was married to ran away leaving her with the child to take care of and with the harsh condition of life she found herself, without no how to feed and no one to take care of her needs and the needs of her child she went into prostitution and she was doing that trying to take care of her self and


Life ! life !life! some people wonder what life is all about while some people live It like they don’t care but only few acknowledge what life is all about and the reasons To live it and accomplish things in life , there is a time for living and there is a time for death So just keep on pushing in and living it, as it comes everyday and learn to appreciate it because There are so many in the hospital who don’t enjoy the life they are living not because its bad but Some need an aid in breathing ,talking ,walking, dancing, seeing ,eating, sleeping and even thinking. But most of the people with such difficulties still appreciate the fact they are still living on earth and have life, even if they can't really enjoy the full package of life “ lol” even a mad man at some point appreciates the fact the he is alive . So people who has not experience any of this difficulties and are healthy and strong should learn to appreciate life more. sometimes I wonder why some peop
There are three times of strength in all human 1.physical strength 2.mental strength 3.emotional strength. And in life we only need number 2 and 3 as strength as civilized people the physical strength applies to less important things in life and also the primary source of violence because some people in the world feel they are physically strong so they can do what they want and get what they want. No it does not give you mental strength but mental stability and yes that was why I said physical strength applies to lesser thing in life. Because you don't need physical strength to overcome many problems and obstacles in life but you we all need mental strength and mostly emotional strength.